It's been a month now since I have added a new post. Maybe no one is reading this anymore! Life gets busy and the weeks fly by. But somehow there's never much interesting that happens during the busy-ness.
However, we've had some exciting events during the past month. Here's a recap:
We can grow watermelons! I decided to buy some watermelon seedlings last spring to grow in our garden because Logan loves watermelon. We harvested two cute watermelons- 7 and 8 lbs. Here they are with the gardener:

The highlight of this past month for me was getting to see our friends a few times in the last couple of weeks. We often don't get to see our friends for months at a time, but this month was different. We all got together for our tenth high school reunion at Gordon Biersch Brewery in San Jose. Then, this past weekend we got together again- this time at the Tied House in Mountain View- to see our good friends Sam and Harmony who were making a rare California visit. It was a really fun evening, and I made sure to get the requisite group photo:

Our final fun event of the past few weeks was Logan, Mandi and Geoffrey becoming members of our church. When Mandi and Geoffrey said they wanted to join, Logan jumped at the opportunity to have friends to go to the New Member's class with. So they went to five weeks of classes, stood in front of the church on Sunday morning, and are now officially members. Here are a few pictures I took after the service on Sunday morning: