Does anyone but me remember that old Raffi song about going to the zoo? It's funny what I remember from my childhood. It's a cute song.
Anyway, we had a nice long Veteran's Day weekend. Logan was off Saturday through Tuesday, and I had Sunday through Tuesday off. On Sunday it was dog day. We got Clark a vaccine he needed, bathed him, brushed his teeth, and gave him his flea medicine. He's sparkly clean and healthy now! Here he is waiting to chase a ball in the backyard a few weeks ago:

On Monday we took a nice long hike with my Dad at Fremont Older Open Space Preserve. It was an unseasonably warm day- a little too warm for hiking. Toward the end of the walk Clark saw a deer in the brush and REALLY wanted to chase it. We had Dad take some photos of Logan, Clark and me in the hills, possibly for our Christmas card this year. But we ended up with some weird shadows on our faces, so we'll have another photo shoot later. Here's one of the better shots:

On Tuesday we went with our friends the Cacioppos to the
San Francisco Zoo. This was our goddaughter Chloe's first trip to the zoo, and she seemed to really enjoy it.
We always have fun watching the prairie dogs and meerkats scurrying around. This meerkat look-out was keeping an eye out for birds of prey:

No, the turtle Chloe is riding on isn't real, although it looks pretty authentic!

This is a Eurasian Eagle Owl. She was so big and beautiful, and she's still just a youngster. The keeper told us that these owls, at full adult size, have been known to kill deer for food!

Goats are so funny! This was the most smiley goat I've ever seen:

Chloe loves animals, and was happy to pet and brush the goats:

No trip to the zoo is complete without a ride on the antique carousel: