Well, it's been two months already since we returned from Europe. I kept meaning to update the blog, but as usual, the more time goes by the more I have to say and the more time it's going to take to do the update- and I never have the time.
So, here's a short version of the last few months (not necessarily in order):
We've really been enjoying meals from our garden this summer. The photo below is one of them- caprese salad with homegrown tomatoes and basil, beet salad with homegrown beets, and green beans from the garden.

I've also been doing quite a bit of crocheting the past few months. The monkey below went to my Uncle Herbie for his birthday:

I sent the owl to our friends' daughter Kira a few weeks ago:

In mid-August we took a trip to the San Francisco Zoo for my mom's birthday. No trip to the zoo is complete without a whirl around the merry-go-round!

We celebrated Mom's birthday with dinner at my parents' house, and ice cream for dessert since it was so hot that day:

Clark always goes with us to my parents' house. It's his favorite place to go. He and Bailey enjoy hanging out on the grass together:

Before Logan went back to school, I had a day off during the week, and we took the opportunity to go for a hike at Pulgas Ridge Regional Park. There is a huge off-leash area in the middle of the parkland, so Clark was able to run off-leash like a wild man. Here are my two boys:

The weather at Pulgas Ridge was great that day, and we enjoyed hiking through the old oak trees:

Logan and Clark enjoyed their quality time together this summer, when Logan wasn't teaching summer camp. He took some photos of Clark with his favorite toy- his soccer ball:

Our tomato crop this year has been huge, especially since we only got a few dozen total all last summer. The photo below shows what I picked in one evening:

We also planted sunflowers along out garden fence this year. They grew so tall that I couldn't reach the top of the tallest ones even from the top of a stepladder. Clark is posed in front of them below:

This mass of plant material is our five tomato bushes. They've grown much more since I took this photo about a month ago. I've made five batches of marinara sauce, and both Logan and I have taken buckets full of tomatoes in to our co-workers. I need to go do a thorough picking and make more sauce this weekend.

A few weeks ago Dad and Katie and I flew with Grandma Adams to Savannah, GA for our cousin Greg's wedding. We ate lunch at Paula Deen's restaurant, Lady & Sons. We tried some of the traditional Southern foods- fried green tomatoes, hoe cakes, and Katie had fried chicken.

Across the street from Lady & Sons was a store called Sweet Melissa's!

Lady & Sons is located in a multi-story brick building with red and white awnings. When driving through downtown Savannah, you can't miss it!

This little 511 square foot cottage in the center of Savannah's historic district. When we took a trolley tour around town, the tour guide mentioned that the cottage is being sold, and the asking price is $250,000. Everyone else on the tour gasped at this "outragous" price, but per square foot it's not much more expensive than our house!

Some of the architecture in Savannah looks very similar to traditional New Orleans style:

Dad wanted to take a trip over to the Bass Pro Shop in Savannah. We had fun looking around. I wondered who would actually buy the camo patterned living room set:

Hmmm- advocating giving alcohol to dogs?

Wow- I wish I had this mail box!

I saw this bag of dog food in a Savannah grocery store. I had to take a photo, because I just think there's something very wrong about the sale of "Old Yeller" dog food. Don't they know he died at the end of the movie?!

We learned on our trolley tour that the Spanish Moss that grows in the trees of Savannah is neither Spanish nor moss. It's actually a member of the bromeliad family!

A view of the Westin Hotel from across the river. The wedding was held on the lawn at the Westin.

Katie and I went browsing through the River Street shops on Saturday afternoon before the wedding. We had fun looking around in the Savannah Candy Kitchen. And, of course, we had to get something to try!

The rain started to dribble down just before the ceremony started. Meghan and Aunt Cindy tried to stay dry:

The bride, Carol, walked down the aisle holding a cute white umbrella:

The next day we all met at Five Guys for burgers and fries before heading off to the airport. I enjoyed my meal, and I'm sad that we don't have a Five Guys location near us.

Six out of the seven cousins on Dad's side of the family attended the wedding. The groom, Greg, and his sister Lauren didn't come with us to lunch, but we got a photo of the rest of us (l-r: me, Chris, Meghan and Katie. Corey had to stay in Kansas for football practice). It's fun to see my cousins as they're growing up. I think we all turned out pretty well!

Back at home, we're enjoying all of the little things in life, especially out in the back yard. We saw a really neat looking preying mantis on a plant near our deck a few weeks ago.

And the tomatoes keep coming... Although I miss the fresh veggies when summer is over, I'm always secretly relieved to have a little more free time!

We sometimes forget to sit out on the deck and enjoy the cool evenings. But Clark and Logan sometimes take advantage of the chaise lounge for reading.

I had to have Logan take a photo of me holding this giant Brandywine tomato. It's one of the biggest we've ever had!

And, for the silly Clark photo: I was rushing to get into the shower after our run on a recent morning. When I opened the shower door, Clark hopped in and made himself comfy. What a silly boy!

This past weekend we went to our church's annual Labor Day weekend Family Camp. I have a few photos from the trip, but I'll include those in my next post. Also, the annual Chicken Dance is coming in a few weeks, and that's always good for a few photos! I hope everyone is well- leave a comment or send me an e-mail if you're interested.