We've had Clark for two and a half weeks now, and things are going well. He sleeps through the night in his crate, doesn't bark all day while we're at work, and has fun at doggy day camp once a week. We took him to his first training class last week, and we're looking forward to the next one tomorrow night. We've found that he actually does like chasing things like frisbees and balls, although he doesn't always bring them back. And he loves to run- really fast- anytime he gets the chance at the dog park.
Here are a few more pictures we've taken of him lately. He always pays attention to the camera when we take it out, so it's hard to get candid shots of him.
This is Clark with his favorite toy, Toothpick the dog:

Our other news is that we've been working on getting ready to landscape the back yard. We rented a ditch digger last weekend so now the ditches are ready for the sprinkler system pipes. During this coming week when Logan is off work he's going to work on getting those in so that we can lay sod soon. It will be really nice to have something other than dirt and weeds in the backyard again, and also nice to not have so much dirt tracked into the house on Clark's feet.
We're getting ready to go to Tahoe for a few days in the snow this coming weekend. Clark will be staying with my parents, so we'll see how Bailey (their almost 10-year-old Yellow Lab) handles having a young house guest. I hope Clark doesn't drive him too crazy.
Lastly, here are a few pictures of the completed front porch. It was finished back in November, but I never got pictures of the painted final product up on the blog, and Logan's dad has been requesting some. So, here they are:

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