Sunday, June 29, 2008

Introducing... the Moenichs

The past few weeks have flown by as usual. I think I'd better get an update posted before the next whirlwind of a week begins...
The weekend after my parents' party we had Logan's friend Alex as a houseguest, and celebrated Father's Day at my parents' house. Last weekend Logan was gone for our friend Matt's bachelor party in Donner Lake, so it was just Clark and me at home. And the weather was terribly hot! For those of you who don't know, I work in a library that is not air-conditioned and does not have insulation. So it's really cold in the winter and really hot in the summer. When the temperature reaches 90 degrees in our building we close the library for the rest of the day. We had three days that week that we closed early because of the heat. Yuck!

Here are some photos from random happenings over the past few weeks:
- Clark's favorite toy these days is his rope. He uses his nose to flip it up into the air and catch it, and he loves when Logan throws it up high for him to catch. This particular night, it went a little too high and got caught on the utility wire that runs over our backyard. This picture was just too funny- with Clark and Logan staring up at it:
- There have been so many fires burning in poor, dry California lately that the sun is really red in the evenings when it sets. The sky has been hazy for the better part of two weeks. Here's a shot of the sunset from our front porch:
It's hard to catch Clark smiling for the camera, but Logan got this nice shot last week: Matt and Bonnie's Wedding!
This weekend we had the privilege of being involved in the wedding of our dear friends Matt and Bonnie. Logan and I met Matt at Humboldt State, and Matt was a groomsman in our wedding. Matt asked Logan to be a groomsman, so we drove up to Novato on Friday afternoon to attend the rehearsal and dinner, and stayed overnight to attend the wedding yesterday.
Here are some photos from the weekend:
- Matt and Bonnie got married in a lovely chapel at Hamilton Air Force Base, called the Unity Center:
- Matt, Bonnie, and their friend Jason who officiated the ceremony:- The groomsmen striking their Captain Morgan pose: - My honey and me: - Bonnie looked fantastic! - True to their personalities, Bonnie and Matt's ceremony was hilarious: - Matt surprised everyone (including his new bride) by donning a fedora and playing the Indiana Jones theme song for the recessional: - Off into the sunset: - The wedding party made a "photo opportunity" appearance on the roof of the chapel: - One of the best parts of the weekend was getting to see Chris and Jenn, also friends from Humboldt. It was our first opportunity to see Jenn's growing tummy! - Matt and Bonnie were surrounded by bubbles for their first dance: - And then it was party time! YMCA was a must...- The four Humboldt boys boogeying down: - Cheese! - The cake was beautiful, and very tasty too: - In case you can't tell, Bonnie played baseball growing up! - On the way home through San Francisco, I had to take this photo of the Opera House all lit up:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got some great pictures of the wedding... very nice! Can't wait to see you again so soon. :)