Well, this once-a-month posting thing is becoming the usual. I keep telling myself if I post more often it won't take as long, and I won't try to put it off, but that's beside the point.
Here are some photos from the last month of our lives:
Last month was the yearly Chicken Dance at the Cupertino Fall Festival. All of the kindergarten classes in the entire school district participate each year. The kids are always so cute, and very proud to perform.
This cute little ballerina chicken is the daughter of Logan's co-worker, Robin:

Logan watches from the background as his kids flap, spin, and shake their booties:

The next item on our social calendar was attending our god-daughter Chloe's second birthday party at the end of September. The photo just below is from her first birthday party last year, and the one below that is from her second birthday. Amazing how much she grew in the past year!

Chloe loves Elmo, and her mom worked really hard to make an awesome Elmo cake and cupcakes. Here, Chloe and her friend Faith savor the frosting:

I had several weekends of work last month, so I didn't have as much time for fun activities as I had hoped. But this past Sunday Logan and I got to do something really fun. We took the day to drive up to Ukiah to meet week-old baby Kira, the new daughter of our friends Chris and Jenn. We went to college with Chris and Jenn, and were so excited to meet Kira. We had the honor of accompanying them to Kira's first trip to the pumpkin patch. Jenn dressed her like a little pumpkin- she was so tiny and cute!
Most of you know that I'm a sucker for animals in general, but especially farm animals. I enjoyed petting the piglet, calf, and sheep at the pumpkin patch:

Logan took some great photos of the sunflowers at the pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful sunny day in Ukiah:

Yes, there is a baby in that pouch. Here's Momma Jenn with her tiny baby:

Nothing cuter than a baby in a Radio Flyer with pumpkins:

Kira and Daddy Chris show off their long tongues:

Jenn and her little pumpkin in front of the pumpkin patch stand:

After our trip to the pumpkin patch we took Kira for her first trip to the park. It was a busy afternoon for the little girl:

Being their usual goofy selves, Chris and Logan attempt to look stoic (Logan can never stop smiling!):

Yep, I took the tripod so I could get the all-important group shot before we left to drive home (poor Kira was getting hungry):

And last, but not least, Logan had to try his hand (and big hands they are!) at holding Baby Kira. She relaxed into him right away, and forgot about being hungry for the moment:

I have a few videos I want to add too, but I'll have to save that for later. I need my beauty rest- after all, I am going to be the big 29 tomorrow...
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