Happy fall everyone! I hope you're enjoying the nice crisp weather.
We've been enjoying lots of time outside lately. We noticed about a month ago that the new people who moved in behind our house have their own bounce house. Once or twice a week we hear the fan turn on, and the bounce house inflates into view over the fence- followed by lots of laughing and giggling by the two little girls who live there. Clark is very interested in the bounce house, and will sit on the deck and watch for a long time! He doesn't bark though- what a good dog.

This past Friday evening I tried something new. I ran a 5K race- my first ever running event. I figured that after running nearly every morning for the past three or four years, I should probably try an event. I was really nervous before the event, but it went fine and I'm looking forward to the next one. I decided to try this one- which took place in Palo Alto- because it was in the evening. It's called the Moonlight Run, and this was the 25th annual event. Logan was on hand to cheer me on and take lots of photos.
Here I am with my number pinned on and my headlamp ready:

No, those aren't alien spaceships floating around- there was lots of dust in the air that night. There was a big crowd running the 5K, and I learned that I need to start closer to the start line if I want to run for time. I was stuck behind lots of really slow people!

Here I am just after I finished the run. Can you tell I was just a little bit proud of myself?

Stretching out before heading to Jack in the Box for a post run snack of curly fries and a shake:

The race registration fee included a long-sleeved shirt for me, and we decided to purchase a bandana for Clark. We put it on him after we got home, but he didn't like it too much. Just after Logan took this picture, Clark peed all over me. Go figure...

In cuter news, I bought a big pack of dog toys at Costco for Clark the other day. He's in love with his new flamingo toy. It's so much fun to watch him carry it around the house.

Here's Clark kicking back with his flamingo and his daddy. What a life!
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