Yep- I've missed a few months (like 6) of posting. Life got a little busy. I was working more Saturdays and evenings, and blogging wasn't at the top of my "to do" list. It's not that there was nothing going on in our lives, though. Here's a quick re-cap of what we've done since last June:
In late June/early July, Grandma Clark had to move out of her house unexpectedly. I spent a few hours there one Sunday, taking pictures of
everything in the house. I wanted to be able to remember it in pictures for years to come. Here's a self-portrait in front of the painting of the house that Uncle Bob did years ago:

And here's the real thing from the street outside:

In early July, we were lucky enough to be able to spend a few hours having brunch and going to the park with our college friends Matt, Chris & Jenn, and Chris & Jenn's daughter Kira:

The next week, we flew down to San Diego for our long weekend at Comicon. We stayed with our friends the Trassares, and got a private tour of Sam's ship The Decatur. It was fascinating! Now we can picture where Sam is when he's deployed:

A shot from Comicon, that really shows how several types of nerd collide there as they can no place else:

We had a great time staying with Harmony and Ceci, and being called "Uncie Wogan" and "Auntie Wissa" all week. We missed little Ceci when we left to come home!:

At The Corvette Diner for lunch:

Big things happened while we were gone in San Diego- my sister Katie got engaged! She and her fiancee, Dean, are planning a June 2011 wedding:

In August, we celebrated Mom's 60th Birthday with a sunset cruise on San Francisco Bay. All of her kids- by birth, marriage and adoption!- were there to celebrate the occasion:

In September, Dean and Katie cheered us on while Logan and I ran in the Palo Alto Moonlight Run 5K. We were both happy with our times, and enjoyed the run around the Baylands in the dark:

October was filled with weddings. Mom and I flew to Cancun to attend the wedding of my cousin Jon to his new wife Kim. It was beautiful, and we plan to go back with our husbands someday!:

Two weeks later, Logan and I flew to Las Vegas to attend the wedding of his mom to Gerry Caffrey. It was a great weekend, with good food and fun conversation:

Then came Halloween. Katie and I went to our church's "Trunk or Treat" program, and handed out candy to the kids. I borrowed Logan's Cookie Monster costume:

A scenic view out our back door in late fall. A few days later, the leaves were all on the ground:

In November, we were thrilled to have Harmony and Ceci as houseguests, if only for one night. Ceci was fascinated with Clark's kennel, and played "doggy" all evening. Clark stayed at my parents' house, away from the chaos.

For Thanksgiving, we traveled to Tahoe to spend some time in the snow with Richard and Sue. We had some fun evenings, playing cards and chatting. Clark, as usual, loved the snow. He's having fun in this picture, even though it doesn't look like it:

In early December, Dean joined us for the first time on our trip into the Santa Cruz mountains to cut down our Christmas tree:

It was a gorgeous sunny day- almost too warm! Below are Dean and his mom-in-law to-be:

In mid-December, we spend a Saturday helping Mom and Dad move out of their house for their long-awaited remodel! Here's one of many "before" pictures. They're hoping the remodel is completed by Katie and Dean's wedding in June. I'll be posting "during" and "after" photos in coming months:

We had a nice Christmas at Grandma Adams' house, where Mom and Dad are living during the remodel:

Logan enjoyed his new favorite beer: Anchor Steam's Merry Christmas and Happy New Year blend. Anchor Steam is our local S.F. brewery:

On New Year's Eve, we took a trip up to Novato (north of S.F.) to visit our friend Ann and meet her puppy Pepper. The two dogs got along well, and we're looking forward to having the dogs spend more time together soon:

Well, there's the past 1/2 year in review. This coming year, (coming in just a few weeks, actually) we'll have some new excitement at our house: chickens! Logan and I are getting four hens to provide us with eggs and bug-hunting in the garden. We're building the hen house this weekend, and I'll be posting more pictures soon. In the meantime, here's the chicken blog Logan has started:
As you'll be able to tell from the post, Logan is putting lots of careful thought into plans for the hen house. I know it'll turn out great!
What a great wrap-up of the past six months! And it was a great reminder that we've been so blessed to get together so much this past year! :)
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