Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The finished product

When I put up my last post, last night, I didn't have any photos of the finished product when Logan was taped to the wall. This morning he sent me a few, so here they are. It's pretty amazing that they kids could put enough tape on him to hold him up off the ground! Like Logan says, this is a good advertisement for the strength of duct tape.


Mandi said...

Holy crap! I could not do that. I would be too claustrophobic. I'm starting to sweat just thinking about it. Good for you Logan!

Logan said...

It got HOT!!! It started out okay, but after you get 10lbs of tape on you, it can get pretty heavy, and not it is not really breathable material. I am guessing there will never be a big draw to jackets made of duct tape. :)

Sam said...

Logan, you are crazy! You should send that photo to the company. They could use it for advertising or just get a really good laugh out of it.