The past two weekends have been the busy kind, and I'm finally taking a few minutes to tell you about them.
As I wrote about back in February, we've been working on finishing the garage. The past few weekends have been filled (at least in part) with my least favorite thing in the world- sanding drywall. It's dirty work- it gets sweaty inside the breathing mask, sticky inside the latex gloves, my arms, shoulders and neck ache terribly, and I end up with a fine dust all over me. Logan and I spent last Saturday slathering "mud" (joint compound) on the drywall seams. Then Logan and I sanded the walls and ceiling on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Logan put on a second coat of mud on Thursday and Friday. He took yesterday off while I was at work, and then the two of us sanded the final coat today before vacuuming up all of the dust and spraying the texturing on the walls. Now we're ready for me to paint tomorrow on my day off. And then- cabinets! We're very excited to finally have this project (almost) done, and really looking forward to the ample amount of extra storage space we'll have in the garage now. Here are some photos from last Saturday:
Clark seems to gravitate toward my dad's lap when they're together!
(and in case you're wondering, this photo wasn't posed- he did this all by himself- what a ham!)
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